Wedding Day advise
If there’s a few photos you want to take just let us know, we don’t want you to have any regret for not having any picture taken on your wedding day at the spot you want or with the person you want.
You could remind us for certain or shot you want us to do on the day itself, we may not remember every detail you told us but we will try to remember most stuff you told us about.
You can ask us if there are unclear customs that day, but we are not very good at directing or overly guiding the ceremony. The job of wedding photography is to capture moment, so please leave the procedure of the ceremony to the elders. Unless no one on the spot know anything about it, we will give some advice at the right time.
There are people and things that you especially want the photographer to capture for you or, people things that you don't want us to shoot. Do please remind us in advance or on the day itself.
Laugh if you want to laugh, cry if you want to cry. You can always touch up the make up after.
The role of the photographer on the day is to be the second pair of eyes for the couple. We try to capture thing couple missed out.
If there are other relatives and friends who want to take pictures together on that day, please tell relatives and friends not to block me, especially for important ceremonies and entering the venue. There is also a common situation that when taking a group photo, there are other people taking pictures besides me, and the subject often don't know which camera to look at, which led to people taking photos without looking at the photographer camera.
If you are doing tea ceremony in the hotel, the staff may be handing tea to the couple to be served. She will be capture in scene, if you don’t wish a stranger to be in your picture you can consider getting someone you know to handle the tea.
Some relatives and friends would hand me their camera/phone and ask me to take a photo. I may have problem capturing more moment because the other guest who saw me doing it may request me to take a picture for them using their camera/phone.
When you put on the ring for your partner, you can slow down a little bit. When wearing a ring, please look at each other eyes, you don't have to look at your hands or my camera all the time.
You may consider putting 20 - 30 minutes buffer time for the make up, very rare time we see make up is ready within the expected time. By adding some gap buffer time may let you stress less. If the make up is ready within the expected timing that will be a bonus, if it doesn’t you will not feel that you are running out of time.
Banquet advise
It is best for the staff not to appear behind the couple when the couple is doing their first appearance (Walk in). It would be fine if it was a relative or friend, but it would be a little strange if the venue staff appeared in your picture
When doing the first appearance (walk in) to the ballroom, please relax, smile and walk slowly and enjoy the blessings from relatives and friends. The slower you walk, the higher the number of successful photos. We can control the camera but we unable to control your expression, try not to look down at the skirt. If you have problem walking, you could take your time to walk very slowly. (The best solution is to get the front of the gown a length that is possible to walk without stepping on it)
When entering the venue, the simpler(Warm white light / Cool white light) the light, the more likely you will have a good photo. Some venue use a lot of colourful light, which may look more visually appealing, but it turns the banquet room into a dance hall. When the colourful neon lights shine on the face, your face will became that colour. Post-process is unable to remove it.
Please inform the venue in charge to get the light up when couple is giving speech or doing any games / actives. By doing so we can capture better images of the guest and expression in the ballroom. Most venue in charge are day dreaming and when we photographer request for light to turn on they will just get irritated.
The more activities, the more interactions will have more moment and pictures. If there’s less interaction relatively fewer photos will be capture.
If there’s any centrepiece or plant in the middle of the table and you want to do the table shots. The plant or centrepiece may block the subject. Do get the venue staff to remove it it if possible, if not we will do it outside of the table. Some center piece is so huge that the guest can’t see anyone opposite them through out the wedding banquet.
If you want to take picture with your venue, car, decor or anything you want to take picture with do let us know. If you don’t say we will not know you want to take picture with that item/person.
Some parent will join for some table shots is because their friend or relative they invited is at that table, we come across some wedding that couple invite both side parent to do table shots for all table at the banquet. There’s no right or wrong but will be meaningful if they actually know the guest at the table and have a picture with them.